Who Wrote What?: A Dictionary of Writers and Their Works
Covering over 25,000 works of British, American, and European literature from 1475 to the present day, this indispensable reference book offers readers two ways to access information on an author or book title, thanks to its easy-to-use cross-referencing system of alphabetically arranged sections. Over 3,000 authors are listed by surname in the Author Index, allowing readers to find birth dates, death dates, and lists of their published works with publication dates and genre, all at a glance. All the books cited in the Author Index are listed in alphabetical order in the Title Index, allowing readers to identify an author of a work if they know only the title.
Covering poetry, drama, and non-fiction, as well as novels and short stories, this reference book will prove invaluable to anybody answering questions on authorship.
Paperback. English. Oxford. 2002. Good Condition.